Saturday, July 13, 2013

Here we go again

And so it begins. I start yet another blog. This one is not being shared with friends and family though. The time has come. I need to get off my fat butt and lose weight, exercise and generally feel better about things.
Who am I? I'm a mom to 2 boys, a musician, a wife and a member of the Canadian armed forces. I'm tired of not looking good in uniform and tired of the looks I get from people in other trades when they see me at a dinner or on the parade square.
It's time to shape up and look the part.
I have no idea how much I weigh at the moment. I don't think I've weighed myself in close to a year. I'm tired of the rolls and belly flab though. My co-workers are obsessed with P90X and Insanity and all sorts of other workouts. Me, I like to sit at home and crochet. No more! Time for balance.
What do I need to do? Well, eat less shit for one. Actually do the PT we are supposed to do for 2.
How to start? I will start (again) the C25K program and this time follow it through. I will also follow the diabetes program I was on while pregnant. I did see a dietician last year and will keep calories to under 1500 a day and balance protein, carbs and fat.
Also, I will blog. Failures and successes, they will all go here. Complete honesty. So, I will weigh myself so I know where I am starting at. Sigh. Ugh.
This will work. It is time. Go me!